Travel S/Y Berg

Greenlandis an autonomous Danish territory located on the largest non-continent island in the world.The name of the island means 'green country' - it was supposed to encourage people to settle there, unlike Iceland, whose name "frozen" was supposed to be off-putting.A fjord-type coastline with numerous offshore islands.Most of Greenland lies...


Iceland- a country located in Northern Europe, on the island of Iceland and several smaller islands.The capital of the country is Reykjavík.Located on the "hot spot" of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, it has many, including active, volcanoes, e.g.Hekla, Katla.True to its name, Iceland is also a "land of ice" - about...

Northern lights pt.2 – camera

Watching and photographing the northern lights is a typical winter sport. Warm clothes, gloves, a thermos with a warm drink are the minimum that you need to have. In addition, a flashlight, spare batteries, camera batteries and patience. I also always have chemical warmers on hand, which I keep in...